English: Five-Peel Powder
Also Known As: Hoelen and Areca Combination
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Cx. Mori    Sang Bai Pi 9-15g Descends Lung Qi, promotes urination and reduces edema.
With Sheng Jiang Pi, disperses and descends, restoring the water function of the Lung and facilitating smooth flow into the Bladder.
With Da Fu Pi and Fu Ling Pi, for superficial edema with difficult urination.
Cx. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang Pi 3-10g Disperses edema and transforms Dampness.
Poria Cutis Fu Ling Pi 9-20g Leaches out Dampness, strengthens transporting function of the Spleen and promotes urination.
Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi 6-9g Regulates Qi, adjusts the Middle and relieves the diaphragm, dries Dampness and transforms Phlegm.
With Da Fu Pi, eliminates Qi Stagnation to allow free flow of Qi and fluids.
Per. Arecae      Da Fu Pi 9-15g Promotes movement of Qi, descends Qi, expels Dampness, promotes urination and reduces edema.
With Sheng Jiang Pi and Fu Ling Pi, for mild edema or superficial facial edema.
  • Resolve Dampness
  • Reduces edema
  • Regulates Qi
  • Strengthens the Spleen
  • Reduces swelling
  • Spleen Deficiency with vigorous Dampness and Qi Stagnation (Pi Shui - Skin Water)
  • Generalized edema
  • Sensation of heaviness, distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen.
  • Labored, heavy breathing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Urinary difficulty
  • Oliguria
  • Asthma
  • Chest distention
  • Edema during pregnancy.
  • General edema in summer
  • Heavy extremities
  • Dyspnea
  • Gasping
  • Rapid breathing
  • T: Normal
  • C: White and slippery
  • P: Thready and moderate or Slippery or Deep and moderate or Deep and slow
  • With severe Spleen Deficiency, use Spleen tonifying herbs.
  • Avoid difficult to digest foods while taking this formula.
For chronic glomerulonephritis: For Wind-edema in the upper body:
+ A larger dosage of all herbs               30-60g + Rx. Saposhnikoviae Fang Feng
+ Rx. et Rz. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
For lower body edema:
+ Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + Rx. Saposhnikoviae Fang Feng
+ Fol. Perillae Zi Su Ye
+ Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie + Flos Schizonepetae Jing Jie
+ Rx. Angelica Dahuricae Bai Zhi
+ Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji
+ Rx. Saposhnikoviae Fang Feng
+ Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi + Fol. Perillae Zi Su Ye
+ Flos Schizonepetae Jing Jie
+ Rx. Gentianae Macrophyllae Qin Jiao
+ Sm. Phaseoli Chi Xiao Dou
+ Poria Fu Ling
+ Rz. Alismatis Ze Xie
For marked Spleen Deficiency:
+ Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae Han Fang Ji + Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ Rz. Atractylodes Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
For edema:
For constipation due to accumulation in the Stomach and intestines:
+ Exo. Benincasae Dong Gua Pi + Rx. & Rz. Rhei Da Huang
+ Hb. Plantaginis Che Qian Cao + Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Zhi Shi
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For severe abdominal distention:
For Internal Cold-Damp:
+ Sm. Raphani Lai Fu Zi
+ Rz, Zingiberis Gan Jiang + Cx. Magnolia Hou Po
+ Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
For Damp-Heat lodged in the Lower Jiao with edema below the waist:
For edema during pregnancy:
+ Talcum Hua Shi
+ Stigma Maydis Yu Mi Xu + Sm. Plantaginis Che Qian Zi
+ Sm. Coicis Yi Yi Ren
- Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi
For facial edema:
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Per. Citri Reticulatae Chen Pi
For severe edema
For generalized weakness and Deficiency:
+ Five-Ingredient Powder with Poria
Wu Ling San
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For Coldness:
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang
+ Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui
For traumatic injury with swelling and inflammation:
For abdominal fullness and distention:
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Rz Atractylodis Cang Zhu
+ Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
For traumatic injury with swelling and inflammation in the upper limbs:
For traumatic injury with swelling and inflammation in the lower limbs:
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Rx. Notoginseng San Qi
+ Rx. Notoginseng San Qi + Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
+ Rx. Cyathulae Chuan Niu Xi + Ram. Mori Sang Zhi
For nephrotic syndrome:
For Beriberi due to Spleen Deficiency with Dampness:
+ Dang Gui and Peony Powder
Dang Gui Shao Yao San
- Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi
+ Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
+ Cinnamon and Poria Pills
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan