Pharmaceutical Latin: Fructus Rubi
Common English: Rubus
Chinese Raspberry Fruit
Paint-Leaf Raspberry Fruit
Herbs that Stabilize and Bind (Astringents)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
(Slightly Warm)
Tincture: 1-3ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Tonifies and stabilizes the Kidneys and astringes Jing and urine

Urinary frequency, enuresis, impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation or wet dreams due to Kidney Yang Deficiency

Tonifies Yang and improves vision

Poor vision, soreness of the lower back and impotence due to Liver and Kidney Deficiency

  • Use caution for those with Kidney Yin Deficiency patterns with Heat signs.
  • Contraindicated for those with burning urination due to Damp-Heat in the Lower Jiao.
  • Contraindicated for those with frequent erections.

Ootheca Mantidis
Sang Piao Xiao
Fr. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae
Yi Zhi Ren

Sm. Cuscutae
Tu Si Zi
Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi
Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong
Rx. Morindae Officinalis
Ba Ji Tian
Hb. Cistanches
Rou Cong Rong

Urinary incontinence and frequency due to Lower Jiao Deficiency.

Impotence and spermatorrhea due to Kidney Deficiency.

Impotence or infertility due to Kidney Yang Deficiency.

Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong

Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi
Sm. Cuscutae
Tu Si Zi
Sm. Plantaginis
Che Qian Zi

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi
Fr. Ligustri Lucidi
Nu Zhen Zi

Low back pain and coldness in the lower extremities due to Kidney Deficiency.

Lower back pain and impotence due to Kidney Deficiency.

Poor vision due to Kidney Deficiency.

Sm. Astragali Complanati
Sha Yuan Zi
Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Sm. Euryales
Qian Shi

Fr. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae
Yi Zhi Ren

Fr. Rosae Laevigatae
Jin Ying Zi

Ootheca Mantidis
Sang Piao Xiao
Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi
Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Rx. Linderae
Wu Yao
Fr. Alpiniae Oxyphyllae
Yi Zhi Ren

Spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission premature ejaculation and impotence.

Urinary frequency or enuresis.

Diabetes insipidus with frequent urination.

Sm. Cuscutae
Tu Si Zi
Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi
Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi

Sm. Plantaginis
Che Qian Zi

Sm. Astragali Complanati
Sha Yuan Zi
Faeces Vespertilionis

Ye Ming Sha



Impaired vision.



  1. This herb augments Qi, lightens the body, restores what has been severed, strengthens the Yin and Yang, makes the skin glossy, quiets and the harmonizes Yin and Yang organs, warms the Middle, augments strength, remedies injury from consumption, tonifies the Liver, brightens the eyes and keeps the hair from turning white.
  2. Some sources say that this herb generates seminal fluid and nourishes true Yin by astringing Yin Qi.
  3. Both Fu Pen Zi and Ootheca Mantidis Sang Piao Xiao tonify, restrain and constrain and treat Kidney Deficiency leading to enuresis, urinary frequency spermatorrhea and impotence. Fu Pen Zi is sweet and neutral and more strongly enriches the true Yin. Sang Piao Xiao is salty and more strongly reinforces the Yang.