Pharmaceutical Latin: Fructus Cnidii
Common English: Cnidium Seed
Cnidium Fruit
Substances for Topical Application
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Toxic
Tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Dries Dampness, kills parasites and stops itching topically

Topically as a powder or ointment for weeping, itchy skin lesions (especially genital)

Scabies and tinea

Disperses Cold, dispels Wind and dries Dampness

Vaginal discharge due to Cold-Dampness

Wind-Cold-Dampness affecting the Kidneys and Du channel with lower back pain

Warms and tonifies the Kidneys and strengthens Yang

Impotence or infertility due to Kidney Yang Deficiency or Cold Womb

  • Do not take orally for those with Damp-Heat in the Lower Jiao.
  • Do not take orally for those with Yin Deficiency with Heat signs or with frequent erections and spermatorrhea.

Ming Fan
Cx. Phellodendri
Huang Bai

Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis
Ku Shen
Rx. Stemonae
Bai Bu

Qing Fen

Vaginal suppository for itching associated with trichomoniasis.

Itchy, weeping skin lesions.

Itching, weeping skin lesions due to flare-ups of chronic eczema, genital eczema or scabies.

Rx. Clematidis
Wei Ling Xian
Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis
Ku Shen
Fr. Amomi
Sha Ren

Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Rz. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Colla Cervi Cornus
Lu Jiao Jiao

Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Rz. Cyperi
Xiang Fu
Sm. Plantaginis
Che Qian Zi

As an external wash for weeping, itching rashes of the scrotum and groin.

Cold Damp vaginal discharge.

Cold Damp vaginal discharge.

Hb. Taxilli
Sang Ji Sheng
Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong
Rx. Gentianae
Qin Jiao

Sm. Cuscutae
Tu Si Zi
Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Z

Cx. Cinnamomi
Rou Gui
Hb. Cistanches
Rou Cong Rong
Rx. Morindae
Ba Ji Tian

Low back pain due to Cold-Dampness.

As an oral preparation for impotence or infertility due to Kidney Deficiency.

Impotence or infertility due to waning of the Ming Men Fire.

Ming Fan

Per. Zanthoxyli
Chuan Jiao
Rx. Stemonae
Bai Bu
Ming Fan
Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis
Ku Shen

Egg Yolk

As an external wash for chronic vaginal discharge with itching and eczema.

As an external wash for genital itching. Take with Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Internally.

Topically for swollen, painful scrotum.

Ming Fan
Liu Huang
Xiong Huang

Sesame Oil

Sm. Astragali Complanati
Sha Yuan Zi
Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Endoconcha Sepiae
Hai Piao Xiao
Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong

Weeping skin lesions.

Topically for Itching lesions in patches.

Internally for vaginal discharge.

Hb. Epimedii
Yin Yang Huo
Sm. Cuscutae
Tu Si Zi
Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi
Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong
Feng Mi

Hb. Taxilli
Sang Ji Sheng
Cx. Eucommiae
Du Zhong
Rz. Cibotii
Gou Ji
Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis
Du Huo


Internally for impotence or infertility.

Low back pain.


  1. This herb has an astringent action.
  2. This herb is sometimes used to treat asthma and bronchitis.
  3. This herb governs swelling and pain in the female genitalia, impotence, damp itching in the scrotum in males and genital itching with vaginal discharge, infertility due to Cold in the uterus in women, Wind-Damp Bi, scabies, lichen simplex and damp sores. It facilitates the joints, treats seizures and noxious wounds, warms the Middle, descends Qi, warms the womb, strengthens the male genitals,improves the complexion and ends infertility.
  4. Use alone as an external wash or soak for hemorrhoids.
  5. Use alone as a powder topically for scabies.
  6. Use alone as a vaginal suppository for vaginal discharge.
  7. Both She Chuang Zi and Rx. Sophorae Flavescentis Ku Shen have an excellent ability to dry Dampness, kill parasites, and stop itching when used externally and are often combined for these purposes. Ku Shen is very bitter and cold, clears Heat, dries Dampness and facilitates urination. It is used for Damp-Heat dysenteric disorders, jaundice and urinary difficulty due to clumping of Damp-Heat. She Chuang Zi is acrid, bitter and warm and strongly warms the Kidneys.