Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Rehmanniae
Common English: Rehmannia Root
Chinese Foxglove Root
Herbs that Clean Heat and Purge Fire: Herbs that Clean Heat and Cool Blood
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Bi Syndrome: 10-50g
Tincture: 2-4 ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Clears Heat and cools the Blood

Ying-Stage Heat with high fever, thirst and a scarlet tongue

Xue Stage Heat

Hemorrhage due to Blood Heat

Nourishes Yin, generates Fluids, increases saliva and treats wasting and thirsting

(Heart) Yin Deficiency with Heat signs

Injury to fluids

Throat pain due to Yin Deficiency

Wasting and thirsting disorder (Xiao Ke - diabetes)

Cools Heart Fire

Heart Fire, mouth sores

  • Contraindicated for those with Spleen Deficiency with Dampness.
  • Contraindicated for those with Loose stools with fullness.
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy with Blood Deficiency or Spleen and Stomach Deficiency.
  • Contraindicated for those with Yang Deficiency.
  • Counteracts Bul. Fritillariae Bei Mu.
  • Counteracts Bul. Allii Fistulosi Cong Bai.
  • Counteracts Bul. Allii Xie Bai.
  • Do not use with Sm. Raphani Lai Fu Zi (Radish seed).
  • Do not use with iron preparations.

Gel. Asini
E Jiao

Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen
Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong

Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu
Hb. Artemisiae Annuae
Qing Hao
Carapax Trionycis
Bie Jia

Coughing, hematemesis, epistaxis and uterine hemorrhage due to Heat from Deficiency.

Dry throat, irritability, a red tongue, and a fast thready pulse due to Devastated Yin with Blazing Fire.

Excessive thirst, irritability, and a scarlet tongue due to Ying Stage Heat.

Swelling of the throat and lymph nodes.

Constipation due to Excess Heat with Yin Deficiency.

Late stage Ying or Xue Stage Heat in the Yin areas of the body with night fever, morning coolness, emaciation, and a red tongue.

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Rz. Imperatae
Bai Mao Gen
Rx. Sanguisorbae
Di Yu

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Blood Deficiency Heat.

Hematuria, hematemesis, and epistaxis due to Xue Stage Heat.

Heat symptoms due to Yin Deficiency and Devastated Blood.

Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Adenophorae/Glehniae
Sha Shen

(Rz. Polygonati Odorati)
(Yu Zhu)

Fr. Amomi
Sha Ren

Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen
Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Cornu Rhinoceri
Xi Jiao

Dry mouth, thirst, dry lips and a red tongue due to Stomach Yin Deficiency.

Prevents Stagnation with symptoms of diarrhea, nausea or abdominal pain.

Ying Stage or Blood Stage Heat.

Cacumen Platycladi
Ce Bai Ye
Fol. Artemisiae Argyi
Ai Ye
(Fol. Nelumbinis Nuciferae)
(He Ye)

Cornu Rhinoceri
Xi Jiao
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra
Chi Shao Yao

Rz. Polygonati Odorati
Yu Zhu
Tub. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Adenophorae seu Glehniae
Sha Shen
Hb. Dendrobii
Shi Hu

Hemorrhage due to Heat in the Blood.

Toxic Heat in the Blood.

Consumption of Body Fluids due to febrile disease.

Cornu Bubali
Shui Niu Jiao
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi

Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen
Cornu Rhinoceri
Xi Jiao

Rx. Puerariae
Ge Gen
Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen

(Rx. Astragali)
(Huang Qi)

Rashes due to Blood Heat.

Heat in the Ying Stage.

Diabetes with thirst.

Caulis Akebiae
Mu Tong
Hb. Lophatheri
Dan Zhu Ye

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Periostracum Cicadae
Chan Tui

(Rx. Saposhnikoviae)
(Fang Feng)

Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi

Sensations of Heat in the chest, irritability, insomnia, thirst, dark, scanty urine and mouth and tongue sores from Heat in the Heart and Small Intestine.

Skin disorders with itching due to Heat in the Blood.

Ying and Xue Stage Heat with a high fever, scarlet tongue, thirst, a rash all over the body, epistaxis and hemoptysis.

Residual Warm pathogen which has injured the Yin.

Kidney Yin Deficiency with steaming bones.

Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen

Rz. Imperatae
Bai Mao Gen

Rz. Cimicifugae
Sheng Ma

Excess or Deficiency Heat patterns.

Late-stage febrile disease with irritability, thirst and constipation.

Kidney Yin Deficiency with Fire Blazing with soreness and swelling in the throat, dry mouth and a parched tongue.

Swelling of the throat and lymph nodes.

Cools the Blood, draws out toxicity and reduces searing Heat for Ying Stage Heat with fever, thirst, a scarlet tongue and rashes.

Bleeding due to Heat in the Blood.

Heat injuring the Yin.

Prolonged low grade fever

Cools Heat in the Lungs and Stomach, stopping hemoptysis and hematemesis.

Rx. et Rz. Rhei
Da Huang

Cacumen Platycodi
Ce Bai Ye

Rx. Achyranthis Bidentatae
Niu Xi

Blazing Heart and Stomach Fire with epistaxis, and hemoptysis.

Deficiency Fire.

Parched, dry stools with damaged Yin.

All types of bleeding due to Heat in the Blood. (take for only a short time)

Powerfully clears Deficiency Fire Blazing Upward with pain and swelling of the gums, epistaxis, hematemesis and other hemorrhage in the upper body.


Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
Flos Sophorae
Huai Hua
Rx. Sanguisorbae
Di Yu
Fr. Mume
Wu Mei

Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Fol. Artemisiae Argyi
Ai Ye
Cacumen Platycodi
Ce Bai Ye

Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi
Rx. Paeoniae Rubra
Chi Shao

Gastrointestinal bleeding.

Excessive menstrual bleeding.

Purpura or bleeding with maculae and blotches on the skin.

Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen

Rz. Coptidis
Huang Lian
Nodus Nelumbo Rhizomatis
Ou Jie

Hb. Phylostachys Nigra
Zhu Ye
Caul. Akebiae
Mu Tang
Rx. Glycyrrhizae
Gan Cao

Rx. Scrophulariae
Xuan Shen
Hb. Taraxaci
Pu Gong Ying
Cx. Phellodendri

Huang Bai
Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu

Thirst and irritability due to Lung Heat.

Lin syndrome.

Bi syndrome due to Toxic Heat.

Bi syndrome causing consumption of Yin.

  1. Do not store in an iron container.
  2. Traditionally combined with Cornu Rhinoceri Xi Jiao to detoxify the Blood.
  3. Raw Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang is brown while Cooked Rehmanniae Shu Di Huang is black and greasier.
  4. The hemostatic properties are only present in the context of febrile disease.
  5. It is said to dry the Large Intestine.
  6. The fresh root Xian Di Huang is used for thirst, exanthesis and bleeding, while the dried root Gan Di Huang is used for bleeding due to Blood Deficiency and to nourish vital essence.
  7. This herb has a stronger effect on pain relief than Rx. Aconiti Preparata Zhi Chuan Wu, Agkistrodon/ Bungaris Bai Hua She and Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu.
  8. Both Sheng Di Huang and Cornu Bubali Shui Niu Jiao cool Blood and clear Heat. Sheng Di Huang is better at nourishing Yin, while Shui Niu Jiao is better at resolving toxicity.
  9. Both Sheng Di Huang and Rx. Scrophulariae Xuan Shen clear Heat, cool the Blood, enrich Yin and generate fluids. Sheng Di Huang is stronger at cooling Blood, while enriching Yin and stopping bleeding. It focuses at the Blood level and regulates disorders of the Heart, Liver and Kidneys. Xuan Shen focuses on the Yin, directs Fire downward, resolves toxicity, disperses clumps, cools the Lungs and benefits the throat. It emphasizes regulating the Lungs and Kidneys.
  10. Big Rehmannia Da Sheng Di Huang is not as good unprepared and dried as it is fresh in generating fluids.
  11. Small Rehmanniae Xiao Sheng Di Huang is not as hard on the digestion, is thin, soft and harmonizes the Ying Qi. It can nourish the Yin without being cloying.
  12. Fresh Rehmannia Xian Sheng Di Huang is colder and stronger at cooling the Blood and generating Body Fluids to relieve thirst when the juice is extracted. It is best used for high fever and bleeding The dosage is 20-60g.
  13. Wild-crafted Rehmannia Ye Sheng Di Huang is slightly more bitter and less sweet.
  14. Dry-fried Rehmanniae Chao Sheng Di Huang has its cooling property and greasiness reduced. It's ability to nourish Blood is enhanced.
  15. Charred Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang Tan cools the Blood and is more effective at stopping bleeding.
  16. Wine-fried Rehmannia Jiu Chao Sheng Di Huang no longer harms the Stomach. It is used when there is concern that its normal coldness will harm the Yang of the Stomach and Spleen.