English: Left Metal Pill
Also Known As: Left Gold Pill
Coptis and Evodia Pills
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Ginger-juice fried Rz. Coptidis Huang Lian 15-180g Drains Liver Fire, clears Stomach Heat, and descends rebellious Qi.
With Wu Zhu Yu, for Liver or Stomach Fire with epigastric and abdominal upset and pain and acid regurgitation.
Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu 2-30g Circulates Qi, relieves Stagnation, warms the Middle Jiao, disperses Cold and descends rebellious Stomach Qi.
With Huang Lian, for Heat induced disharmony between Liver and Stomach.
  • Clears Liver Heat (Fire)
  • Descends Rebellious Qi
  • Stops vomiting
  • Liver Qi Stagnation
  • Liver Qi Invades the Stomach (with Heat)
  • Heat in the Liver Channel with Stomach Disharmony
  • Excess Fire in the Liver Channel with Heat in Stomach
  • Hypochondriac pain and distention
  • Indeterminate gnawing hunger
  • Epigastric distention and pain
  • Vomiting
  • Acid regurgitation
  • Belching
  • Bitter taste
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Dry lips
  • Hiccups
  • T: Red
  • C: Yellow
  • P: Wiry and rapid
  • Acid regurgitation due to Stomach Deficiency Cold.
  • Do not use to treat hypochondriac pain due to Liver, Gallbladder or Blood Deficiencies.
  • Contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • This formula may have a protective effect against aspirin-induced damage to Stomach mucosa.
For diarrhea or dysentery with abdominal pain and spasm due to Liver and Stomach Disharmony: For Damp-Heat dysentery:
+ Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao - Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu
For severe distention:
+ Rx. Aucklandiae
+ Fr. Toosendan
For pronounced acid reflux:
For Liver Qi Stagnation with lack of vitality:
+ Endoconcha Sepiae
+ Frigid Extremities Powder
Si Ni San
+ Concha Arecae
For severe hypochondriac pain:
For abdominal pain:
+ Rz. Cyperi
+ Rx. Paeoniae Alba
+Fr. Citri Sarcodactylis
For stress ulcers:
+ Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San
+ Frigid Extremities Powder
Si Ni San
For H. pylori infection:
+ Augmented Rambling Powder
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
+ Hb. Hedyotis
For pernicious vomiting:
For a peptic ulcer with stabbing pain in the Stomach due to Blood Stagnation:
+ Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum
+ Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San
+ Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam
+ 9g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
For a peptic ulcer with severe acid regurgitation:
+ Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San
+ 9g Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
+ 12g Endoconcha Sepiae Hai Piao Xiao
For a peptic ulcer with rib and/or severe pain:
+ Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San
+ 12g Concha Arcae Wa Leng Zi
For a peptic ulcer with constipation:
+ 9g Fr. Toosendan Chuan Lian Zi
+ Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San
+9 Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
For a peptic ulcer with thirst:
+ 6g Rx. et Rz. Rhei Da Huang
+ Left Metal Pill
Zuo Jin Wan
+ 9g Rx. Trichosanthis Tian Hua Fen    
+ 9g Rz. Phragmitis Lu Gen