Pharmaceutical Latin: Semen Celosiae
Common English: Celosia Seed
Silver Quail-Grass Seed
Feather Cockscomb Seed
Herbs that Clear Heat and Purge Fire: Herbs that Clear Heat and Drain Fire; Herbs that Clear Heat in the Qi Stage
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Cold
tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Clears Wind-Heat, drains Liver Fire and improves the vision

Wind-Heat affecting the eyes, with red, swollen eyes

Liver Fire affecting the eyes, corneal opacity

Treats hypertension

Hypertension associated with Liver Yang Rising or Liver Fire

Headache from Wind-Heat

  • Contraindicated for those with dilated pupils or elevated eye pressure, e.g. glaucoma.
  • Use with caution for those with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Cold.
  • Use with caution for those with Qi and/or Yang Deficiency.
  • Use with caution for those with Liver or Kidney Deficiency.

Flos Chrysanthemi
Ju Hua
Rx. Gentianae
Long Dan Cao

Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi
Flos Buddlejae
Mi Meng Hua

Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi
Sp. Prunellae
Xia Ku Cao

Eye pain, redness and swelling due to Liver Fire

Impaired or blurred vision

Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes due to Liver Fire

Flos Buddlejae
Mi Meng Hua

Hb. Equiseti Hiemalis
Mu Zei

Fr. Jujube
Da Zao

Sp. Prunellae
Xia Ku Cao

Ram. Uncariae cum Uncis
Gou Teng
Concha Haliotidis
Shi Jue Ming

Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes due to Wind-Heat

Night blindness

Hypertension caused by liver fire

Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi
Rx. Scutellariae
Huang Qin
Sp. Prunellae
Xia Ku Cao



Headache due to Liver Fire



  1. This herb Strongly clears Fire from the Liver channel to benefit the the eyes and ears.
  2. It directs Qi downward.
  3. It eliminates superficial visual obstruction.
  4. It induces pupil dilation. It can be used alone when Wind-Heat contracts the pupils.
  5. Its best effect is on Liver channel Fire from Excess which enables it to brighten eyes and reduce superficial visual obstruction.
  6. It is most often used for eye disorders due to Liver Fire.
  7. It has an antiphlogistic action.
  8. It is used externally for skin and trauma conditions.
  9. It can be used topically in the nostrils for epistaxis.
  10. One source says not to give this herb to children under 18 years old.
  11. Both Qing Xiang Zi and Sm. Cassiae Jue Ming Zi improve the vision. Jue Ming Zi is bitter, sweet , salty and cold which broadens its therapeutic scope to include nourishing the Liver and Kidney Yin, moistening the Intestines and dispersing Wind-Heat. It can be used for Excess and deficient eye disorders or headache because it nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin and is more appropriate where there is constipation. Qing Xiang Zi can only be used for eye disorders due to Excess Heat. it is bitter, cold, drains Fire in the Liver channel and disperses Wind-Heat from the Blood level of the Jue Yin channels. It can clear superficial visual obstruction and can dilate the pupils. it can be used alone for this purpose when Wind-Heat in the Liver channel causes the pupils to contract.