Pharmaceutical Latin: Flos Chrysanthemi
Common English: Chrysanthemum Flower
Herbs that Release the Exterior: Cool, Acrid Herbs that Release the Exterior (Wind-Heat Diaphoretics)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Cold
Tincture: 2-5ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Disperses Wind and clears Heat

Wind-Heat from a common Cold or Warm pathogen disease

Calms the Liver and clears the eyes

Dry, swollen and/or painful eyes due to Wind-Heat in the Liver channel or Liver Yang Rising

Spots in front of the eyes, blurred vision or dizziness due to Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiencies

Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiencies with heatstroke

Calms Liver Yang and extinguishes Wind

Liver Wind with dizziness, headache and deafness

Liver Yang Rising (Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency)


Detoxifies (purifies Blood)

Toxic sores and swellings

Promotes the movement of Heart Qi and Blood and stimulates Blood circulation

Heart Qi and Blood Stagnation
  • Do not use in large doses for patients with Qi Deficiency, poor appetite and/or Stomach Cold or diarrhea.
  • Contraindicated in the presence of Yang Deficiency or Cold.

Hb. Menthae
Bo He

Rx. Saposhnikoviae
Fang Feng

Rz. Chuanxiong
Chuan Xiong
(Gypsum Fibrosum)
(Shi Gao)

Wind-Heat patterns with fever, chills, headache, dizziness, sore eyes and sore throat.

Liver Qi Stagnation turning to Liver Fire Flaring upward with blurred vision, dizziness, headache and red, swollen eyes. (use Bai Ju Hua)

Wind-Heat irritating the Exterior with slight chills, mild fever, headache and itchy eyes.

Headache due to Wind-Heat or Liver Yang Rising.

Periostracum Cicadae
Chan Tui

Fol. Mori
Sang Ye
Hb. Menthae
Bo He
Rx. Platycodi
Jie Geng

Fol. Mori
Sang Ye
Hb. Menthae
Bo He
Fr. Forsythiae
Lian Qiao

(Rz. Phragmitis)
(Lu Gen)

Superficial visual obstruction and red, watery, swollen, painful eyes due to Liver Heat from either Wind-Heat or Liver Yang Rising.

Residual Heat toxin remaining from measles or other rashes.

Superficial visual obstruction from trauma.


Wind-Heat with fevers.

Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi

(Fr. Ligustri Lucidi)
(Nu Zhen Zi)


Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Concha Haliotidis
Shi Jue Ming
Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae
Gou Teng
Rz. Gastrodiae
Tian Ma

Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae
Gou Teng
Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi

Dizziness and blurred vision due to Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency.

Headache, vertigo, and dizziness due to Liver Yang Rising.

Seizures and convulsions in children due to Liver Wind.

Liver Yang Rising with dizziness, vertigo, and blurred vision.

Per. Cicadae
Chan Tui
Spica Prunellae
Xia Ku Cao
(Fol. Mori Alba)
(Sang Ye)

(Hb. Equiseti Hiemalis)
(Mu Zei)
(Fr. Tribuli)
(Bai Ji Li)

Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua
Hb. Taraxaci
Pu Gong Ying

Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi

Wind-Heat in the Liver Channel or Liver Fire with red, swollen, painful eyes.

Colorless, painless, flat, slow-healing suppurative inflammation of the soft tissues and other toxic swellings.

Liver and Kidney Deficiency with Jing and Blood unable to rise and nourish the eyes.

Liver Yang or Liver Wind Rising.

Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii
Qiang Huo
Rx. Saposhnikoviae
Fang Feng
Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae
Bai Zhi
Hb. Asari
Xi Xin

Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae
Gou Teng
Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao

Rx. Isatidis
Ban Lan Gen


Rx. Sophorae Tonkinensis
Shan Dou Gen


Headaches due to Liver Wind with Yin Deficiency Fire.

Wind-Heat with a sore throat.

Fr. Lycii
Gou Qi Zi
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Fr. Corni
Shan Zhu Yu
Cx. Moutan
Mu Dan Pi

Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Asparagi
Tian Men Dong
Fr. Aurantii
Zhi Ke

Flos Buddlejae
Mi Meng Hua
Sm. Celosiae
Qing Xiang Zi
Periostracum Cicadae
Chan Tui

Hb. Equiseti Hiemalis
Mu Zei
Fol. Mori

Sang Ye

Blurred vision and dizziness due to Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiencies.


Superficial visual obstruction.

Fr. Tribuli
Bai Ji Li
Sm. Cassiae
Jue Ming Zi

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Fr. Viticis
Man Jing Zi

Rx. Glycyrrhizae
Gan Cao
Flos Lonicerae
Jin Yin Hua
Hb. Taraxaci
Pu Gong Ying


Visual disturbances with dizziness and headache due to Liver Yang Rising.

Topically for sores, carbuncles and abscesses of the skin.


  1. White Chrysanthemum Bai Ju Hua nourishes the Liver and clears the eyes better than other varieties. It is most often used for diminished vision due to Kidney and Liver Yin Deficiencies.
  2. Yellow Chrysanthemum Huang Ju Hua has better Wind-Heat dispersing, draining Fire, and resolving toxicity properties. It is most often used in treating eye-redness and headache due to Wind-Heat.
  3. It can be used as a beverage for those with Wind-Heat or Blood Heat.
  4. It can be used with other herbs to treat brain cancer.
  5. It is considered to be one the best remedies for Wind-Heat.
  6. It ranks in the top twelve remedies for systemic hypertension and coronary disease.
  7. It can ascend or descend, drain or tonify.
  8. Ju Hua tonifies the Lungs and Kidneys and is stronger at calming the Liver and brightening the eyes tan Fol. Mori Sang Ye. It has a mild ability to resolve toxicity that allows it to treat toxic swellings, boils and furuncles. Sang Ye excels at calming Liver Wind and disseminating Lung Qi. It is stronger at spreading and dispersing than Ju Hua and can moisten the Lungs, stop coughs, cool the Blood and stop bleeding.
  9. Dry-fried Chrysanthemum Flower Chao Ju Hua is used to calm the Liver and clear the eyes when the Spleen and Stomach are weak.
  10. Charred Chrysanthemum Flower Ju Hua Tan enters the Blood, where it settles Wind and quiets the Blood. It is commonly used with Rx. Polygoni Multiflori Preparata Zhi He Shou Wu, Ligustri Lucidi Nu Zhen Zi, Fr. Tribuli Ci Ji Li and Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi, for dizziness, tinnitus and pain in the eyeballs from Blood Deficiency Generating Wind.
  11. This plant flowers in the fall and therefore treats Wind.