Pharmaceutical Latin: Fructus Quisqualis
Common English: Rangoon Creeper Fruit with Seeds
Herbs That Expel Parasites (Anthelmintics)
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage

( Slightly Toxic)

Children: 1 seed per year of age up to 20 seeds
Tincture: 2-4ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Kills parasites

Roundworms, threadworms, hookworms and pinworms (can be used alone), scabies

Strengthens the Spleen, dissolves accumulations and improves digestion

Childhood nutritional impairment, abdominal distention, poor appetite or a weak constitution

  • If taken with hot tea, the patient may develop diarrhea and belching.
  • Overdosing can also lead to belching, vomiting and dizziness.
  • Contraindicated for children with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Cold.
  • Contraindicated if there is no parasitic accumulation.
  • Allergic reactions may occur.

Sm. Arecae
Bing Lang
Cx. Meliae
Ku Lian Pi

Sm. Arecae
Bing Lang
Cx. Meliae
Ku Lian Pi

Fr. Ulmi Macrocarpae Preparatus
Wu Yi
Fr. Carpesii
He Shi

Rx. Stemonae
Bai Bu

Dislodges and expels roundworms.

Dislodges and expels roundworms with a stronger effect.


Rx. Stemonae
Bai Bu

Sm. Arecae
Bing Lang
Rx. et Rz. Rhei
Da Huang

Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli
Ji Nei Jin
Massa Medicata Fermentata
Shen Qu

Rx. et Rz. Rhei
Da Huang

Hb. Aloes
Lu Hui

Topically for pinworms.

Childhood nutritional impairment with significant Food Stagnation.

Childhood nutritional impairment with constipation.

Fr. Ulmi Macrocarpae Preparatus
Wu Yi
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Rx. Glycyrrhizae
Gan Cao

Rz. Picrorhizae
Hu Huang Lian
Sm. Myristicae
Rou Dou Kou

Rz. Picrorhizae
Hu Huang Lian
Rx. Codonopsis
Dang Shen
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu

Childhood nutritional impairment due to parasites.

Chronic childhood nutritional impairment with abdominal distention and anorexia.

Severe chronic childhood nutritional impairment with emaciation and jaundice.

Hb. Aloes
Lu Hui

Rice Water

Rx. Ginseng
Ren Shen
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu

Strongly expels parasites, drains Heat and reduces accumulation in the Intestines due to constipation associated with overabundant Heat.

Remove the shell, crush into a fine powder and serve on an empty stomach at 5:00 a.m. or in the early morning.

Childhood nutritional impairment with Spleen Qi Deficiency and weakness.

Fr. Aurantii
Zhi Ke
Sm. Arecae
Bing Lang

Rx. et Rz. Rhei
Da Huang


Childhood nutritional impairment with abdominal bloating.

Childhood nutritional impairment with constipation.


  1. Its sweetness makes it especially useful for children.
  2. Its side effects include nausea, vomiting, hiccup, vertigo and belching.
  3. This is one of the most commonly used anthelmintics because it is especially effective in treating roundworms and childhood nutritional impairment.
  4. It can be chewed and swallowed without the need for laxatives and is especially suitable for children.
  5. It treats turbid urine, diarrhea and dysenteric disorders associated with childhood nutritional impairment.
  6. It is considered to be one of the strongest of the anti-parasitic herbs.
  7. Both Shi Jun Zi and Sm. Torreyae Fei Zi are sweet, relatively nontoxic, do not injure the Spleen while killing parasites and both contain fatty oils to lubricate the Intestines. Shi Jun Zi is better at expelling roundworms. It moistens the Lungs, stops cough, tonifies the Spleen, augments the Stomach to help digestion and treats childhood nutritional impairment. Fei Zi is better at expelling hookworms and pinworms, moistens the Lungs and stops cough.
  8. Both Shi Jun Zi and Cx. Meliae Ku Lian Pi expel parasites and are effective for expelling roundworms. Ku Lian Pi is bitter, cold, clears Damp-Heat, is hard on the digestion and is relatively toxic. Shi Jun Zi is sweet, warm, augments the Spleen and Stomach, treats accumulations in childhood nutritional impairment and eliminates Deficiency Heat.
  9. Rangoon Creeper Flesh Shi Jun Zi Rou is stronger at killing parasites but also more toxic, causing nausea and dizziness, so use a smaller dosage.
  10. Dry-fried Rangoon Creeper Kernels Chao Shi Jun Zi Ren is less toxic with a better flavor, is stronger at killing parasites and strengthens the Spleen. It is particularly suitable for treating children with intestinal parasites or childhood nutritional impairment. It can be used alone.