Pharmaceutical Latin: Radix Ginseng
Common English: Ginseng Root
Asian Ginseng Root
Herbs that tonify Qi
Taste Temperature Entering Meridians Dosage
Slightly Bitter
Slightly Warm
1-9g decocted separately
Powder: 0.5-1g
Tincture: 0.25-3ml
Emergencies: up to 30g in multiple doses
Tincture: 3-10ml
Actions Indications/Syndromes

Powerfully tonifies Yuan Qi

Extreme collapse of Qi or abandoned conditions that manifest in shallow breathing, shortness of breath, cold limbs, profuse sweating and an almost imperceptible pulse (after blood loss, overly profuse sweating or other problems related to severe fluid loss - it can be used alone in these emergencies)

Collapse of Yang

Collapse of Yin

Tonifies Spleen and Stomach Qi

Lethargy, anorexia, chest and abdominal distention, chronic diarrhea and, in severe cases, prolapse of the Stomach, uterus or rectum

Tonifies Lung Qi

Lung Qi Deficiency with wheezing, shortness of breath and labored breathing on exertion

Generates Body Fluids and stops thirst

Wasting and thirsting disorder (Xiao Ke) and high fevers with profuse sweating which injures Qi and fluids

Tonifies Heart Qi and calms the Spirit

Heart Qi Deficiency

Qi and Blood Deficiency with palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness and restlessness

Treats impotence

With Kidney Yang tonics for impotence

Tonifies Qi in Deficiency patients with Exterior conditions

Exterior disorder with Interior Deficiency

  • Contraindicated for those with Yin Deficiency with Heat signs including steaming bone disorder.
  • Contraindicated for those with Heat Excess.
  • Contraindicated for those with Liver Yang Rising.
  • Contraindicated for those with with Fire due Stagnation.
  • Contraindicated for those with hypertension (systolic over 180mm Hg).
  • Contraindicated for those with pathogenic Fire in the Lungs with wheezing, cough and overabundant Phlegm.
  • Contraindicated for those in the early stages of bleeding disorders.
  • Contraindicated for those with sensations of pain in the chest and diaphragm.
  • Contraindicated for those with hiccups, constipation or parasitic accumulation.
  • Do not take with coffee or other stimulants.
  • Use with caution for those with an external invasion.
  • This herb may induce mania in depressed patients who are taking antidepressants such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) including phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate) and isocarboxazid (Marplan).
  • In combination with Rx. Polygalae Yuan Zhi, Rz. Acori Shi Chang Pu and Poria Fu Ling, Ren Shen was found to reduce ethanol-induced impairment of memory registration and scopolamine-induced memory registration deficit.
  • Hypoglycemia may occur when this herb is combined with anti-diabetics such as insulin, tolbutamide (Orinase), glipizide (Glucotrol) and glyburide (DiaBeta/Micronase).

Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata
Fu Zi

Fr. Schisandrae
Wu Wei Zi
Rx. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Collapsed Qi and Devastated Yang with spontaneous sweat, ice cold extremities and shortness of breath.

Qi and Yin Deficiency with shortness of breath and spontaneous sweat usually secondary to injury from Heat.

Severe Qi and Blood Deficiency due to loss of Blood.

Qi and Yin Deficiency.

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang
Tub. Asparagi
Tian Men Dong

Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
(Rx. Glycyrrhizae)
(Gan Cao)

Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu


Qi and Yin Deficiency (fever, thirst, irritability, shortness of breath and dry, red tongue.)

Spleen and Stomach Qi Deficiency with Dampness with anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distention and fatigue.

Tonifies the transformation and transportation functions of the Spleen.

Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi
Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu

Ge Jie
Sm. Juglandis
Hu Tou Ren
(Fr. Schisandrae)
(Wu Wei Zi)

Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi

Qi Deficiency with various types of prolapse due to Sinking of the Clear Yang.

Wheezing due to Kidney unable to grasp Qi.

Lung Qi Deficiency.

Qi Deficiency with general debility, anorexia and spontaneous sweat.

Flos Farfarae
Kuan Dong Hua
Rx. Asteris
Zi Wan
(Rx. Stemonae)
(Bai Bu)
(Fr. Schisandrae)
(Wu Wei Zi)

Gypsum Fibrosum
Shi Gao
Rz. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu

Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen
Rx. Asparagi
Tian Men Dong


Rx. Trichosanthis
Tian Hua Fen
Rx. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu

Chronic cough due to Lung Qi Deficiency.

Heat injuring the Qi and Yin fluids with fever, irritability, intense thirst and profuse sweating.

Wasting and thirsting disorder with intense unquenchable thirst.

Fol. Perillae
Zi Su Ye

Rx. Angelicae Sinensis
Dang Gui
Arillus Longan
Long Yan Rou
Rx. Polygalae
Yuan Zhi

Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang
Sm. Platycladi
Bai Zi Ren

Qi and Yin Deficiency with fever, thirst, irritability, shortness of breath and a dry, red tongue.

External Wind-Cold with underlying Qi Deficiency.

Heart and Spleen Deficiency with palpitations, shortness of breath, reduced appetite and insomnia.

Insomnia due to Heart and Kidney Insufficiency.

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong

Fr. Psoraliae
Bu Gu Zhi

Cx. Ailanthi
Chun Pi

Ge Jie

In alcohol to treat impotence due to Kidney Yang Deficiency.

With Rice Congee to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, and chronic dysenteric disorder with bleeding and pus.

Chronic diarrhea or chronic watery vaginal discharge that incessantly leaks.

Mildly treats Damp-Heat.

Restores the mutually supportive and proper action of the Lungs and Kidneys to treat weak inhalation with wheezing that is worse on exertion.

Rx. Ephedrae
Ma Huang

Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Rz. Dioscoreae
Shan Yao
Sm. Lablab Album
Bai Bian Dou
Fr. Amomi
Sha Ren
Per. Citri Reticulatae
Chen Pi

Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Rz. Cimicifugae
Sheng Ma
Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu

Wind-Cold with underlying Qi Deficiency.

Qi Deficiency with Spleen and Stomach Deficiency with loose stools or diarrhea.

Organ prolapse.

Gypsum Fibrosum
Shi Gao
Rx. Anemarrhenae
Zhi Mu
Rx. Glycyrrhizae
Gan Cao
Sm. Oryzae
Geng Mi

Rx. Astragali
Huang Qi
Arillus Longan
Long Yan Rou
Sm. Zizyphi Spinosae
Suan Zao Ren

Rx. Rehmanniae
Sheng Di Huang
Rx. Ophiopogonis
Mai Men Dong
Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae
Dan Shen
Sm. Platycladi
Bai Zi Ren

Febrile disease with Heat damaging both Qi and Body Fluids.

Poor cognitive functions due to Spleen Qi and Heart Blood Deficiency with fatigue, excessive worrying and insomnia.

Poor cognitive functions due to Kidney Yin Deficiency and Heart Blood Deficiency.

Rx. Acori Tatarinowii
Shi Chang Pu
Rx. Polygalae
Yuan Zhi
Poria Pararadicis
Fu Shen
Fu Ling

Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Rx. Paeoniae Alba
Bai Shao
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling

Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum
Lu Rong
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata
Shu Di Huang

Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata
Zhi Fu Zi
Fr. Psoraliae
Bu Gu Zhi

Confusion and forgetfulness.

Qi and Blood Deficiency.


Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii
Qiang Huo
Rx. Bupleuri
Chai Hu
Rx. Angelicae Pubescentis
Du Huo



Exterior invasion with Interior Deficiency.



  1. Overuse may cause hyperactivity and bleeding (irritability, facial flush, epistaxis).
  2. Overdose can cause headache, insomnia, palpitations and high blood pressure.
  3. Some sources say that this herb tonifies Wei Qi.
  4. Because it strongly tonifies Yuan Qi, this herb is used in a wide variety of situations where a stronger Yuan Qi, will indirectly aid in their resolution.
  5. This herb can be used alone for collapse of Yuan Qi.
  6. This herb has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells.
  7. Although Ren Shen antagonizes Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi, the two used together may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer.
  8. It is said that this herb relieves thirst, upset, activates the channels and pulse, removes Phlegm Stagnation and stops vomiting, cough and diseases due to Qi and Blood Deficiency.
  9. Its anti-cancer effect is stronger when used with Rx. Astragali Huang Qi and Ganoderma Ling Zhi.
  10. For chaotic bleeding of the nose and mouth, burn to ashes Ren Shen, Cacumen Biotae Ce Bai Ye and Hb. Schizonepetae Jing Jie and sprinkle them on the face of the patient.
  11. Both Ren Shen and Rx. Astragali Huang Qi tonify primal Qi. Huang Qi also supports the Yang and is most appropriate for disorders that involve sinking of clear Qi. It also stops sweating, promotes the discharge of pus, generates flesh and facilitates urination, none of which Ren Shen can do. Ren Shen also generates fluids and its tonic effect is stronger and longer lasting than Huang Qi.
  12. Both Ren Shen and Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen have similar properties and functions. Ren Shen is much broader in its effects and must be used when the disorder is severe or requires immediate relief as in patterns of abandonment or profuse bleeding. Dang Shen tonifies Qi and indirectly augments Blood and Fluids, but does not tonify Yuan Qi or directly generate Fluids. Its effects are limited to the Spleen and Lungs and is less powerful than Ren Shen, although it is sufficient for everyday clinical use and is therefore a good substitute for Ren Shen when a Deficiency pattern is not severe. It is often used as an inexpensive substitute for Ren Shen.
  13. Both Ren Shen and Rx. Panacis Quinquifolii Xi Yang Shen tonify Qi. Xi Yang Shen is sweet, slightly bitter and cooling. It also tonifies and augments the Blood aspect. It can be used to substitute for Ren Shen whenever one wants to tonify Qi without warming.
  14. Ren Shen governs tonification of the five organs, quiets the consciousness, settles the ethereal and corporeal souls, stops palpitations with anxiety, expels pathogenic Qi, brightens the eyes, opens the Heart and strengthens resolve.
  15. Ginseng Neck Ren Shen Lu is a mild emetic and is used to induce vomiting when there is an absence of Food Stagnation and Phlegm along with Deficiency.
  16. Ginseng Leaf Ren Shen Ye is bitter, slightly sweet and cold. it treats Summerheat with thirst, injury to fluids due to febrile disease, hoarseness associated with Lung Heat, insufficient Stomach Yin, toothache due to Deficiency and alcohol intoxication.
  17. Ginseng Rootlets Shen Xu, are generally used for depletion of Qi and damage to the Body Fluids.
  18. Jilin root Ye Shan Shen or Shan Shen is the best quality.
  19. “White Ginseng ” Bai Shen or “sugar root” Tang Shen is cured in rock candy for treating Yin Deficiency.
  20. “Fresh-dried Ginseng” Sheng Shai Shen is also used for Yin Deficiency.
  21. Steaming turns roots red Hong Shen and makes them hotter - for Qi and Yang Deficiency e.g. Korean Ginseng.