English: Ligusticum Chuanxiong Powder to Be Taken with Green Tea
Also Known As: Chuan Chiung and Tea Regulating Formula
Tea-Blended Ligusticum Powder
Cnidium and Tea Formula
Powder of Ligustici Chuanxiong Mixed with Camellia Sinensis
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Hb. Menthae Haplocalycis Bo He 3-12g Disperses Wind-Heat and cools and clears the head and eyes and benefits the throat.
With Jing Jie, for Wind-Heat.
Rz. Chuanxiong Chuan Xiong 3-15g Expels Wind and alleviates pain.
With Xi Xin, for Wind-Cold headaches and Shao Yin Cold headaches.
Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi 2-15g Expels Wind, eliminates Dampness, unblocks the nasal passages, dispels Cold and alleviates pain.
With Xi Xin, for Wind-Cold induced headaches, sinus headaches, orbital headaches and toothache aggravated by cold air.
With Fang Feng and Qiang Huo, for Wind-Cold with headache and stuffy nose.
With Qiang Huo, for Wind-Cold Dampness causing fever, chills and headaches.
Rz. seu Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo 2-10g Releases the exterior,disperses Cold, expels Wind-Cold-Dampness, unblocks painful obstruction, alleviates pain and Guides Qi to the Tai Yang and Du Channels.
With Chuan Xiong, for headache and generalized body aches and pains associated with the common cold or painful obstruction.
With Fang Feng, for pain due to External Wind-Dampness.
With Bai Zhi, Fang Feng and Xi Xin, for Wind-Cold with aversion to Cold, fever, headaches and muscle aches.
With Jing Jie and Fang Feng, for occipital headache from Wind-Cold without perspiration.
Hb. Asari Xi Xin 1-10g Disperses Wind-Cold and internal Cold, alleviates pain, warms the Lungs, transforms Phlegm and Thin Mucus, disperses and unblocks the Qi of the nasal orifices and relieves toothache.
With Chuan Xiong, for Wind-Cold headache, toothache and Bi pain.
With Chuan Xiong and Fang Feng, for Bi syndrome.
With Qiang Huo, Fang Feng and Chuan Xiong, for Wind-Cold.
With Chuan Xiang, Fang Feng, Jing Jie and Qiang Huo, for Wind headache.
(Dry-fried Rz. Cyperi) (Chao Xiang Fu) (2-10g) (May substitute for Xi Xin)
Hb. Schizonepetae Jing Jie 3-12g Releases the exterior and expels Wind.
With Bo He, releases the exterior to induce sweating and disperses Wind in the head.
With Fang Feng, for Exterior Excess.
With Fang Feng and Qiang Huo, for External Wind-Cold with chills, fever and anhidrosis.
Rx. Saposhnikoviae Fang Feng 2-10g Releases the exterior, expels External Wind, expels Wind-Dampness and alleviates pain.
With Jing Jie, for Wind-Cold and Exterior patterns in any season.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Preparata Zhi Gan Cao 2-6g Moistens the Lungs, resolves Phlegm, stops cough and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha 2-12g Harmonizes the Stomach, descends Rebellious Stomach Qi and relieves diarrhea.
  • Dispels Wind
  • Alleviates pain
  • External Wind
  • Headache due to Wind attack
  • Headache in any part of the head
  • Fever and chills
  • Dizziness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Stuffy nose
  • Clear or white nasal discharge
  • Sneezing
  • Body aches
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Vertigo
  • Aversion to Cold
  • Copious sputum
  • T: Normal
  • C: Thin and white
  • P: Superficial
  • Contraindicated for those with headache due to Liver Yang Rising.
  • Contraindicated for those with headache due to Liver Wind.
  • Contraindicated for those with Kidney or Liver Yin Deficiency.
  • Contraindicated for those with Qi and Blood Deficiencies.
For Wind-Cold headache: For Wind-Heat headache:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He - Rz. seu Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
+ Rz. Zingiberis Recens Sheng Jiang - Hb Asari Xi Xin
+ Fol. Perillae Zi Su Ye + Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua
For chronic, stubborn headache:
+ Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi
+ Flos Carthami Hong Hua
+ Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can + Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua
+ Scorpio Quan Xie + Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can
+ Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ Scorpio Quan Xie + Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
+ Sm. Persicae Tao Ren + Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ Flos Carthami Hong Hua
For headache with rhinitis or sinusitis:
+ Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu
+ Flos Magnoliae Xin Yi Hua + Rz. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben
+ Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi
For neurogenic headache:
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi + Rz. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben
+ + Fr. Tribuli Bai Ji Li + Rz. Atractylodis Cang Zhu
For headache from hypertension:
For headache from Liver Yang Rising:
- Rz. seu Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo + Rx. Polygoni Multiflori He Shou Wu
+ Fr. Mori Sang Shen
- Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae Bai Zhi + Concha Haliotidis Shi Jue Ming
+ Concha Margaritaferae Zhen Zhu Mu
+ Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua
+ Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao
For headache due to Wind and Phlegm:
+ Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen + Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum Zhi Ban Xia
+ Ram. Uncariae cum Uncis Gou Teng
+ Poria Fu Ling
For headache due to Kidney Deficiency:
For Yang Ming (frontal) headache:
+ Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi + Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
+ Fr. Jujube Da Zao
For Tai Yang (occipital) headache:
+ Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + Rz. Ligustici Gao Ben
+ Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
For Shao Yang (temporal) headache:
+ Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ Cx. Eucommiae Du Zhong
For Jue Yin (vertex) headache:
For Qi Deficiency headache :
+ Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha + Pheretima Di Long
+ Rx. Astragali Huang Qi
For Blood Deficiency headache :
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ Four-Substance Decoction
Si Wu Tang
For Blood Stagnation headache:
+ Sm. Persicae Tao Ren
For headache due to Phlegm Accumulation:
+ Flos Carthami Hong Hua + Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae Bai Zhu
+ Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen + Rz. Gastrodiae Tian Ma
+ Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng
For migraine headache with Qi and Blood Deficiency:
+ Eupolyphaga/ Steleophaga Tu Bie Chong
+ Rx. Codonopsis Dang Shen
+ Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao + Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can
For migraine headache with Qi and Yin Deficiency:
For angioneurotic headache with Phlegm-Dampness:
+ Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang
+ Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Gastrodia Decoction
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
+ Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi
For For angioneurotic headache with Blood Stagnation:
For For angioneurotic headache with Liver Qi Stagnation with Heat:
+ Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
+ Augmented Rambling Powder
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
For sinusitis:
For nasal polyps:
- Hb. Asari Xi Xin
- Hb. Menthae Bo He - Rz. seu Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo
- Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao
+ Flos Magnoliae Xin Yi Hua - Hb. Schizonepetae Jing Jie
+ Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao + Flos Chrysanthemi Ju Hua
+ Fr. Gleditsiae Zao Jiao + Flos Magnoliae Xin Yi Hua
+ Fol. Perillae Zi Su Ye + Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi
For trigeminal neuralgia:
+ Flos. Lonicerae Jin Yin Hua
- Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii Qiang Huo + Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ 12g Bombyx Batryticatus Jiang Can
For trigeminal neuralgia with severe Cold:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
+ 12g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g. Rz. Cimicifugae Sheng Ma + 6g Scorpio Quan Xie
+ 18g Flos Chrysanthemi Indici Ye Ju Hua + 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong
+ 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing
+ 20g Rx. Rehmanniae Sheng Di Huang + 9g Rx. Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Zhi Fu Zi
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
For trigeminal neuralgia with severe Blood Stasis:
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g Scorpio Quan Xie - Hb. Menthae Bo He
+ 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing + 6g Scorpio Quan Xie
For trigeminal neuralgia with marked Wind-Cold symptoms:
+ 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong
+ 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing
- Hb. Menthae Bo He + 12g Rx. Paeoniae Rubra Chi Shao
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g Scorpio Quan Xie + 12g Rx. Salviae Miltiorrhizae Dan Shen
+ 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong
+ 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing + 12g Faeces Trogopterori Wu Ling Zhi
+ 9g Rx. Ephedrae Ma Huang
For trigeminal neuralgia with Internal Heat:
For trigeminal neuralgia with a runny nose and nasal congestion:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha - Hb. Menthae Bo He
+ 6g Scorpio Quan Xie - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong + 6g Scorpio Quan Xie
+ 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing + 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong
+ 25g Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao + 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing
For trigeminal neuralgia with nausea, indigestion or anorexia:
+ 9g Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi
+ 9g Flos Magnoliae Xin Yi
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
For headache with pain at the nape of the neck or occiput:
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g Scorpio Quan Xie - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 6g Scolopendra Wu Gong + 9g Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
+ 6g Rz. Arisaematis Zhi Tian Nan Xing
For headache with pain at the vertex:
+ 9g Fr. Hordei Germinatus Mai Ya - Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ 9g Rx. et Rz. Ligustici Gao Ben
+ 9g Fr. Aurantii Zhi Ke
For headache with pain at the temples:
For headache with severe Cold and pain:
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
+ more Hb. cum Rx. Asari Xi Xin + 9g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
For headache with Interior Heat:
For facial pain:
- Fol. Camelliae Lu Cha
- Hb. Menthae Bo He + 15g Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao
- Fol Camelliae Lu Cha + 6g Rx. Scutellariae Huang Qin
+ 10g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
For facial pain with a runny nose with white discharge and sneezing:
+ 10g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui - Hb. Menthae Bo He
- Fol Camelliae Lu Cha
For facial pain with a headache:
+ 10g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
- Hb. Menthae Bo He + 10g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi
- Fol Camelliae Lu Cha + 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 10g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
+ 10g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi + 10g Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + 10g Bul. Allii Cong Bai
For facial pain with cold extremities:
+ 10g Rz. et Rx. Ligustici Gao Ben - Hb. Menthae Bo He
For facial pain with spasms of the face:
- Fol Camelliae Lu Cha
- Hb. Menthae Bo He + 10g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
- Fol Camelliae Lu Cha + 10g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi
+ 10g Rz. Corydalis Yan Hu Suo + 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui
+ 10g Fr. Viticis Man Jing Zi
+ 10g Rx. Angelicae Sinensis Dang Gui + 10g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
+ 5g Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang
+ 5g Rz. Typhonii Preparatum Zhi Bai Fu Zi
For eye pain:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
For eye pain with a fever:
For eye pain with a stiff neck:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He - Hb. Menthae Bo He
+ 5g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu + 10g Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
+ 10g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
For eye pain with a blocked nose:
For eye pain with a headache:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
- Hb. Menthae Bo He + 10g Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi
+ 5g Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu + 10g Flos Magnoliae Xin Yi
For a headache due to Wind-Cold with a strong aversion to Cold:
For a Wind-Cold headache with a fever:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
- Hb. Menthae Bo He + 15g Rx. Bupleuri Chai Hu
+ 5g Fr. Evodiae Wu Zhu Yu + 10g Hb. Ephedrae Ma Huang
+ 10g Ram. Cinnamomi Gui Zhi
For a Wind-Cold headache with body aches:
For a Wind-Cold headache with a stuffy nose and discharge:
- Hb. Menthae Bo He
+ 10g Rx. Puerariae Ge Gen
- Hb. Menthae Bo He    
+ 10g Fr. Xanthii Cang Er Zi    
+ 10g Flos Magnoliae Xin Yi